Centering Diversity in Climate Conversations
Columbia Climate Conversations is a series of panels on topics concerning our planet, people, and communities. It centers diverse perspectives in conversations where they have been historically marginalized by bringing antiracism and intersectionality to the forefront of conversations about climate change. It also supports a Columbia University campus culture of inclusion and belonging by prioritizing the perspectives of students of color in climate spaces.
Columbia Climate Conversations is in partnership with Columbia Climate school and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. CCC is bridging environmental science and social studies through the perspective of marginalized people, to engage the Columbia community in critical conversations. It is an opportunity for students of color to see their perspectives and concerns address at Columbia, and for a White majority, faculty to learn more about climate change at the intersections of marginalized identities. Learn more about our mission and watch our past events.
Currently, Columbia Climate Conversation is being administered by Columbia SDG Student Hub.